A show created by the collaboration between the urban dance company Brodas Bros and the visual artists Desilence.
Through technology, with visuals generated in real time, playfulness and dance, Sokkyo explores the unpredictable turns that life can take, putting the viewer at the center of the scene: sometimes a very simple starting point ends up being a very complex situation or vice versa, a starting point that seems complicated can be solved in a simple way.
Sokkyo encourages us to fully embrace the present through interaction and presence in the moment.
Author: Brodas Bros and Desilence
Artistic Direction: Lluc Fruitós i Desilence
Choreography: Brodas Bros.
Choreographic collaboration: Nicolas “Zyko” Monlouis and Maëva “Poach” Deyroles
Dancers: Berta and Clara Pons, Marc Carrizo, Héctor Puigdomènech and Pol and Lluc Fruitós
Live Visuals: Tatiana Halbach and Soren Christensen
Dramaturgy assistance: Alba Florejachs
Scenery: Desilence
Music: Arturo Calvo, Clozee and Lluc Fruitós
Production: Sara Manzano, Rita Molinero and Marta Olayo
Lighting: Marc Carrizo
Photography: David Ruano Studio
Video: Sound Line
Acknowledgements: “Yindra” Willy Barleycorn